308 photos & illustrations
ISBN: 0-939616-29-7
While there is considerable diversity in the forms and styles of cranial manipulation, all would agree that a thorough understanding of the sutures of the cranium and face is essential. Yet until now, no one has given these important structures the attention they deserve.
In this ground-breaking work, the author describes the structure and motion of the sutures in much greater detail than ever before, showing with extensive photographic evidence how the bones of the cranium actually move, and how the practitioner can optimally affect that movement. Based on many years of experience in both the clinic and anatomy lab, Dr. Pick’s analysis is supported by over 300 photographs and illustrations.
Systematically examining each of the sutures, including those of the face, vault, and base, Dr. Pick brings clarity and precision to these descriptions. Everyone who touches the head with a therapeutic intent will learn many valuable lessons from this book.
This is likely to become the standard reference on the cranial sutures for many years to come, and is an essential book for all practitioners of cranial manipulation.
- Sutural Palpatory Techniques
- Palpatory Assessment of Sutural Aberrations
- Static Sutural Palpation
- Active Kinetic Sutural Palpation
- Passive Kinetic Sutural Palpation
- Sutural Morphology and Manipulative Strategies
- Accessible Sutures of the Cranial Vault
- Accessible Sutures of the Face
- Inaccessible Sutures
- Manipulative Strategies for Tissue Aberrations
- Hand Techniques
- Index
"There are many other books on cranial work, but nothing in this class. It is an atlas and a technique book. In fact, if you read only one book on sutural technique, this is the one. It is a good introduction for the beginner, interesting for the intermediate, and pure gold for the advanced craniopath. If knowledge is power, the chiropractor who reads and studies this text can do more good than the unitiated can imagine."
—Dynamic Chiropractic
"The purpose of this text is to serve as a guide in developing the practitioner’s palpatory skills and to impart a deeper understanding of how the sutures articulate morphologically."
—from the Preface
"In this superbly illustrated text Marc Pick focuses on the morphology of the cranial sutures and offers a series of extremely detailed palpation protocols for evaluation of their status. Indeed the development of the practitioner’s palpatory skills is a primary objective of the book, along with the imparting of a clear understanding of how sutures articulate morphologically. … It is hard to conceive a more practical text for those who wish to know all there is to know about how the bones of the head meet and articulate with each other, and how to palpate these."
—Leon Chaitow, Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies