33 illustrations
ISBN: 0-939616-48-3
Since the time of Hippocrates, medical practitioners have noted the clinical significance of temperature changes found over different parts of the body. In Manual Thermal Evaluation Jean-Pierre Barral brings this form of diagnosis into the new millenium.
As one aspect of the physical examination, manual thermal evaluation is a method that utilizes sensitivity to temperature changes to identify dysfunction within the body. It is useful across a wide spectrum of health disciplines, and augments other forms of diagnosis.
Manual Thermal Evaluation begins with a review of the scientific understanding of body heat, and the clinical significance of changes in surface temperature. The reader is then provided with the tools that are needed to transform one's hands into sensitive evaluative instruments. Each area of the body is surveyed, from the cranium, face and neck to the thorax, abdomen, pelvis and posterior visceral projections.
This is an indispensable book for practitioners who want to discover more of what their hands can tell them.
- Introduction
- Heat & Infrared
- Body Temperature
- Skin Temperature
- Thermal Control & Regulation
- Manual Thermal Evaluation
- Cranium, Face & Neck
- Thorax
- Abdomen
- Pelvis
- Posterior Visceral Projections: Osteoarticular System
- Afterword
- Bibliography
- Index