
Stephen Brown

Stephen Brown was born in Japan where he lived until the age of fourteen. In 1983 he graduated from the Japan Central Acupuncture College, after becoming licensed as an acupuncturist and shiatsu practitioner. He attended the Institute of Chinese Medicine in Beijing, and has studied in Tokyo with renowned teachers Manaka Yoshio and Serizawa Katsusuke.

Since 1986, Mr. Brown has practiced and taught acupuncture in Seattle. He has translated many books on Oriental approaches to health, among them Shudo Denmei's first book, as well as Sotai: Health Through Natural Movement, Effective Tsubo Therapy, and Clinical Acupuncture. He is currently associate editor of the North American Journal of Oriental Medicine.

Fifty Years of Practice: The Case Studies of Shudo Denmei

Finding Effective Acupuncture Points

Japanese Classical Acupuncture: Introduction to Meridian Therapy